The sheer number of emails we receive on a daily basis is overwhelming. A vast majority of these we don’t even open. While it may seem like such a small part of your email, the subject line of an email can change readers’ minds about whether or not to open it and see what you have to offer.

So, how do you get customers to open your email? See below for how to write a catchy email subject line.



While saying “act now” won’t necessarily get someone to open your email, using this same urgency will compel readers to open up your email to see what you have to say. A dull subject line will only send your email right to the trash folder. Make sure to only use these types of subject lines when necessary or customers will catch on that you are using this method even if it is not an urgent email.


According to a recent study, 47% of email recipients say that the wording of an email subject line will affect whether or not they open it. Being able to craft subject lines that are compelling enough for people to click on is very important. 67% of all emails are read on mobile devices, so keeping the subject short, sweet, and to the point is imperative. By using concise language, your reader will get a sense of what you are going to tell them without taking up too much of their time.


We’re all guilty of ignoring an email that comes across as boring, but we’re also quick to open an email that peaks our interest. Having a sense of mystery in the subject line will peak interest and most likely lead to a reader opening the email. But be careful – too much obscurity and you will find your reader confused and un-satisfied.


The exact time you send an email can be critical to whether or not someone decides to read it. Chances are if you send an email after 5:00pm it will get overlooked or even moved directly into their trash folder. Research shows that top engagement times are between 8:00am-10:00am and 3:00pm-4:00pm. When sending an email during this time period, you increase the likelihood of someone opening and responding to your email by 6%. Something to also be aware of is if you are emailing someone in a different time zone, note what time it is there.